LED Buy Back Period

Perth Air & Power Solutions

You might not think it, although using traditional lightbulbs over a long term can be a costly exercise – particularly for big office spaces. The almost annual replacement of the bulbs coupled with the cost of running them can end up being an unnecessary hidden expense for your business.

Fortunately, there is a solution: make the switch to LED (light-emitting diode) lightbulbs and take advantage of the long-term saving potential.

The Buy-Back Period
The buy-back period refers to how long it takes you to make your initial investment back. Due to the increasing affordability of LED globes, this is becoming a shorter amount of time. LED bulbs may be a more expensive upfront cost than the traditional type, but in the long run there are a number of advantages to making the switch.

Advantages of LED
– An 8-watt LED gives off the same lumens (amount of light) as a traditional 60-watt incandescent bulb.
– The average LED has a life of between 25 000 and 50 000 hours. The next best life of a bulb is a CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) with a span of 8000 hours – just a third of a low-performing LED.
– Lower operating temperature than traditional globes, meaning they are only warm to the touch, and require less maintenance and repairs.
– Lower running costs.

The Savings
For a further breakdown of just how much you can save, have a look at this running cost analysis put forward by Sustainability Victoria.Essentially, the running costs for LED bulbs are around $15 cheaper over a year. That’s just one bulb, used three hours a day. Multiply that to take into account how many bulbs and hours are needed for your office building, and the savings are significant.If you have 20 bulbs in your office building, being used 6 hours per day, then incandescent bulbs would cost you $736. For LED bulbs, that cost is just $136 annually.

At that rate, the buy-back period on your LED light investment comes to around a year. That’s not taking into account how much longer it will run for than a traditional bulb, which needs regular replacement, costing you more in bulbs, as well as the time and effort spent replacing them.

If you are looking for ways to cut costs and make the workplace more environmentally friendly, consider switching to LED lightbulbs. For any questions regarding LED products or installation, or for a quote on making the change, contact Perth Air & Power Solutions today.

To read more on the LED buy-back period, check out these resources:




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